Sunday, September 27, 2009

@.... Drunk ....@ 我真的醉了

So wasted on grandma's birthday @_@
Down too fast and too much of French Wild Mountain dated 2006 @_@

1. Walked straight on the road.
But asking, "Why are we walking side way?"
走路歪歪的还敢问, "为什么你乱乱走?"

2. Legs could not support body weight.
"Why not I just piggy back you to the car."
双腿提不起自己了. 还要别人背我上车子.

3. Felt like throwing up whenever in standing position.
Solution is "Must lay down flat!"
不行了!站着就想吐一地... 一定要躺下才行.

4. No energy to wash up before going to bed.
"No pajamas, no brush teeth... JUST zzz..."
有气无力,快死了!不换衣,不刷牙... 只想睡个饱...

5. Non stop talking nonsense.
Keep saying, "@#$~*!^%>& ... ..."
不过,还有一股力气讲一大堆废话! "@#$~*!^%>& ... ..."

@___@ 我真的是醉了啦!