Wednesday, October 7, 2009

^ Miracle ^ 奇迹 ^

"I'm out of the office at 5:00pm!!!!" ~what a miracle~
"我竟然5点准时下班耶!!!" ~真是奇迹~

Since I started to work, getting off work at 7:00pm, 9:00pm, or even 1:00am are common.

If someone gets off work at 5:00pm, typical assumptions: Must be HR person, Must be lazy person, Sure didn't work one, Father must be Boss, Trainee? (perhaps)...

The real answer - - - - - - - -> NO BOSSES ARE AT THE OFFICE!!
可是啊,真真的答案是 -----> 板不在办公室啦!!

(Place the cursor next to the arrow. Then, press left button of your mouse, hold and scroll over to the right to view the answer.)


1 comment:

  1. then i opposite urs lor.
    can stay in office till 7pm is a miracle!
    haha.... *sob sob*
