Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hot Pot Night!!!!! 火锅夜

Bao Bao and I are big fans of Hot Pot that we even bought the Hot Pot set so that we can have Hot Pot dinner anytime we want. 

A random night, totally random! we invited a group of friends over to our place for a Hot Pot dinner. We prepared too much food that we were all too full to walk!

After all, it was a great gathering~
重点是,好开心大家一起来我家做客哦~ 感动无比~


Movie Marathon 电影接力赛

Watching great movies is one of my favorite entertainments. If I have a free day, I cannot spend it on shopping, but I can certainly spend it in the theater. Hehe... I can also spend it in the kitchen. Perhaps I should consider blogging about the yummy stuff from my kitchen next time.

Let's talk about movies that I watched:

1. Red Ridding Hood
One word, AWESOME! I love how the whole story line keeps me suspended. Totally, I failed to figure out who the werewolf is. The movie is not bloody at all, which is a bonus for me. I am just too old for bloody movie.

2. The Priest
One word, BORING! Totally a waste of time and money. Honestly, I have no idea how the story ends since I did not even finish the movie.

3. Hoodwinked 2
One word, FASCINATING! I am always amazed by animated movie. The story is nicely written to give a twist on the traditional ”Red Ridding Hood” bedtime story. I would definitely recommend this to family with kids. 

4. Super 8
One word, AMAZING! Nothing specific that I love about this movie. I guess I just simply love the story line.  

5. Ice Kacang Puppy Love
One word, SWEET~ This is a very sweet movie about First Love. After watching this movie, you just feel like falling in love all over again.

6. I'm Number Four
One word, COOL~ I love this movie too even though some people might say it is a lame movie. Well, no specific reason, it just suits my taste.

Monster in the House 我家有怪物

OMG, the thing that can scare the hell out of me is freaking lizard!!!

Why on earth do we need lizard? It gives me goosebumps and nightmares! How can I destroy it, all of them, the whole lizard family?

HELP! I do not want to be home alone with lizard crawling around and scaring me silently.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Magic of Tithing 神奇的十一奉献

Year 2011 has been a fruitful year for me, thus far.

Since I left the United States of America, back luck has always been by my side no matter how I ”shuuu” it away. Hmm... Perhaps the ”bad luck” is Satan?

In the Bible, God always remind His sons and daughters not to test Him, except for Tithe. So, I am going to test Him. Hopefully Satan will leave me once and for all.

Finally, I gave up 10% of my salary to God. Guess what are the amazing things happen in my life?

I passed my career assessment (ACD is what they name it) and get promoted! Of course, pay raised! The incement amount is more than what I tithe!

Wow, the magic of tithing. God promise to give you more than what you ask and he did it again for me.