Sunday, November 1, 2009

Cheesecake 奶酪蛋糕

I am overwhelming with work.

Luckily, Bao Bao is here with me.

Bao Bao baked me Cheesecake - his first trial!!
宝宝决定做奶酪蛋糕奖赏我 - 可是宝宝第一次哦

1) Instead of condensed milk, he accidentally used vaporized milk! 下错牛奶!
- the whole thing becomes watery 结果蛋糕水水的
2) Instead of chocolate powder, he accidentally used coffee powder!! 原本是要做巧克力蛋糕,却下错了咖啡粉
- the key point is: I HATE COFFEE 重点是:我讨厌咖啡

3) But it turns out to be GREAT! 可是,味道还不赖耶!

Bao Bao prepared Jelly for me too - his specialties!!
宝宝也给我做了果冻耶 - 宝宝的拿手好菜

1) Simply Excellent!! 超棒!!

I'm simply LUCKY!! 我好幸福哦!!

Girls, ya, you can be jealous.
Boys, ya, you should start learning some skills from my Bao Bao.

1 comment:

  1. I got hard time learning those skills from ur Bao Bao... haha
