Sunday, July 10, 2011

Why am I here?

It has been four years since I have returned to the land where I belong. Four years, it is a long time. Some say, "time is the cure for the past"; however, I disagree completely. In these four years, I have been missing every single moment that I had in the States. In these four years, I have been wanting to hang out with my best friends in the States. In these four years, I have been trying to accomplish what I had accomplish in the States. In these four years, I realized I still failed to find what I have left behind in the States.

Is this piece of land truly belong to me? If yes, why can't I achieve my goals, my dreams or my wishes?
Am I truly part of this land? If yes, why can't I seek the happiness I had in the States?
Sometimes, I just can't help but wonder "why am I here?"
God, is there a purpose for me to be here? If yes, why am I can't stop missing what I had in the States?
If it is truly your will, please give me the strength to stay, please allow me to find the purpose of staying, please cheer up my spirit, please stop me from asking "why am I here?"....

After four years, deep down in my heart, I am still seeking for the answer - WHY AM I HERE?

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