Finally, I watched two movies lately - Rango and King's Speech.
终于,我抽空看了两部电影 -兰戈和国王的演讲。

Rango 兰戈My beloved Johnny Depp, why are you the Rango!?!?!?!
So ugly and draggy.... Sorry to say, I almost slept in the movie and this is probably the first movie that I wish to get out so badly.
超丑超长气的.... 不好意思,我几乎睡着了! 这可能是第一部电影让我想马上就离开。

King's Speech 国王的演讲My feeling throughout the movie is: Should I sit like this? Should I sit like that? Should I cross my legs? Ah, how can I make myself comfortable?!

GOSH!!!!! I hated both movie so much!!!!
Should I even step in to the theater again....